
Cereal crops Learn more about Cereal crops

  • Thiofuramide action

    Thiofuramide action

    Thiazolamide succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors. Used in rice, cereal crops and lawns, it is effective against pathogenic fungi such as Rhizoctonia, Puccinia, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium oxysporum, and diseases caused by basidiomycetes, such as blight.

    2020-11-09 Thiofurol amide action thiazole class succinate ester dehydrogenation
  • Urea is effective in a few days.

    Urea is effective in a few days.

    Spraying urea usually takes 7-15 days to take effect. It is necessary to pay attention to forbidding spraying urea before rain to avoid burning seedlings or losing fertilizer, which should be carried out in the early morning or afternoon. General cereal crops require a spray concentration of 1.5% Mel 2%. If it is sprayed during flowering, the concentration should be reduced appropriately.

    2020-11-08 Urea a few days effective spraying urea generally 7-15 days can
  • Is millet millet a cereal crop? How much is the market price per jin? Which regional species are suitable for? When will you plant and harvest? (with local planting techniques)

    Is millet millet a cereal crop? How much is the market price per jin? Which regional species are suitable for? When will you plant and harvest? (with local planting techniques)

    Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Village issued technical guidelines for the production of millet in 2018, which gave planting guidance to the Northeast Spring Mizi District, the Northern Chunmizi District and the Loess Plateau Summer Mizi District. Is that Millet? How much is the market price per jin? Which regional species are suitable for?

    2020-11-09 Cereal crops millet market price more less money
  • What kind of forage does the donkey eat to grow fast? How to match the concentrate feed?

    What kind of forage does the donkey eat to grow fast? How to match the concentrate feed?

    Donkey is a single-stomach herbivore, and its digestive ability is far lower than that of cattle, sheep and other compound-stomach herbivores, so donkeys have higher requirements for feed. In the process of raising donkeys, only by meeting their feeding and nutritional needs can they grow rapidly! What kind of forage does the donkey eat to grow fast?

    2020-11-11 Donkey eat what forage grow fast how match concentrate
  • What is the natural synergist of urea?

    What is the natural synergist of urea?

    What is the natural synergist of urea? Please give introduction to China's agricultural consumption of urea nitrogen fertilizer close to 20 million tons per year (pure nitrogen), urea nitrogen fertilizer lost through gaseous volatilization, leaching and runoff reached 10 million tons, equivalent to more than 21 million tons of urea, a direct economic loss of 45 billion yuan, not only resulting in energy.

  • What should we pay attention to when spraying urea?

    What should we pay attention to when spraying urea?

    What should we pay attention to when spraying urea? Please introduce the urea spraying needs to pay attention to: First, do not spray in hot weather or before rain, so as not to burn seedlings or lose fertilizer. The spraying time should be carried out in the morning or afternoon every day, and then sprayed once every 7~10 days. 2. Spraying cereal crops or crops with smooth leaves.

  • What should we pay attention to when urea is used as foliar fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when urea is used as foliar fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when urea is used as foliar fertilizer? Please introduce urea as foliar fertilizer to pay attention to the following points: do not spray it before hot weather or rain, so as to avoid burning seedlings or losing fertilizer. It is appropriate to spray every morning or afternoon, and spray again every 7-10 days. For cereal crops.

  • Chen Jianping: treat the crops and let the wheat waves smell.

    Chen Jianping: treat the crops and let the wheat waves smell.

    Chen Jianping: treat the crops and let the wheat waves smell.

  • When to sow early rice

    When to sow early rice

    Rice is a cereal crop belonging to the genus Oryza, and its representative species is rice. Rice is native to China and India, and was cultivated 7,000 years ago by the ancestors of China's Yangtze River valley. So when is early rice sown? 1. When is early rice sown? Early rice under normal circumstances

    2020-11-08 early rice when sowing rice yes cereal crops
  • What are the methods of husk separation? How to screen the husk, it can be used as fertilizer, it can grow flowers.

    What are the methods of husk separation? How to screen the husk, it can be used as fertilizer, it can grow flowers.

    Before we get the definition of husk, it is helpful to have some background on cereal crops such as wheat, rice, barley, oats and other components. Cereal crops are made up of seeds or grains we eat, surrounded by inedible husks or rice husks. Seeds and millet

    2019-04-22 Husk separation what method how sieve divide can to do
  • The difference between rice and barnyardgrass

    The difference between rice and barnyardgrass

    Rice is a cereal crop, which is widely planted in China, but weeds such as barnyardgrass always appear in the field. In order to prevent it from competing with rice for nutrients, it needs to be removed. But they look alike and people can't tell them apart. Here is an introduction to rice and barnyardgrass.

    2020-11-08 Rice and paspalum grass different from rice yes rice cereal crops
  • Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble?

    Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble?

    Why should mung bean rotation prevent stubble? Please introduce the reason why mung bean is not allowed to be cropped continuously. Because continuous cropping has many diseases and insect pests, poor quality, and even inhibit the development of rhizobia due to the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, there is an agricultural proverb that "bean fields are adjusted year after year, and the yield is high year after year." At the same time, mung bean is also an important fertile crop and an excellent cereal.

  • Occurrence and control measures of yellow leaf disease of beer

    Occurrence and control measures of yellow leaf disease of beer

    In recent years, the ten diseases of beer in Huanghuakou are becoming more and more serious in northern Jiangsu, which often leads to the decline of yield and quality, and even serious seedling death in some areas. From 1992 to 1995, the author investigated the tissue of 1466.7 and 1866.7 hectares of two-rowed barley planted in the coastal reclamation area of northern Jiangsu Province and carried out the planting experiment of disease-resistant varieties, and analyzed the relationship between the epidemic of yellow leaf disease and variety, sowing date, cultivation, climate and other factors. it is reported as follows: 1 the main factors affecting the occurrence of malt yellow leaf disease.

  • How to effectively improve nitrogen use efficiency?

    How to effectively improve nitrogen use efficiency?

    What happens if you grow too much nitrogen fertilizer and too little nitrogen fertilizer for vegetables? Please introduce the symptoms of nitrogen imbalance in vegetables: excessive nitrogen leads to nutrient imbalance in plants, induces deficiency of potassium, calcium and boron, and accumulates ammonia in plants, resulting in ammonia poisoning, affecting vegetable yield and quality. it also affects nutritional quality and hygiene.

  • What should I pay attention to when spraying urea?

    What should I pay attention to when spraying urea?

    What should I pay attention to when spraying urea? Ask friends to help introduce in the process of going to the countryside, often see farmers spray urea on vegetables, farming network sorted out a few points that need to be noticed when spraying urea, listed below for netizens' reference. Note 1, do not spray before hot weather or rain, in order to.

  • What should urea pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer?

    What should urea pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer?

    What should urea pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer? What is the general concentration of urea foliar spraying? Do not ask experienced netizens to help introduce that urea is the most commonly used nitrogen fertilizer, and urea can also be used as extra-root topdressing, the effect is better than other nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, the farming network has arranged the urea for foliar spraying.

  • Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole and what compound

    Difenoconazole is a low toxic fungicide, which can be used to control powdery mildew, early blight and anthracnose in cereal crops, rice, soybean and other crops. I.

    2020-11-08 Diphenyl ether methyl ring azole and what compound phenyl ether yes
  • The latest course of millet planting techniques and methods

    The latest course of millet planting techniques and methods

    Millet, also known as millet, is the result of millet peeling. Millet is a kind of cereal plant, a kind of cereal, originated in the Yellow River Basin in northern China, and has been planted to varying degrees in different places. Millet is available in white, red, yellow, black, orange and purple.

    2020-11-10 The latest millet planting techniques methods tutorials also known as
  • How to control peanut bacterial wilt?

    How to control peanut bacterial wilt?

    How to control peanut bacterial wilt? (1) rotation: the rotation of water and drought has obvious effect after 1 to 2 years. The rotation of dry land and cereal crops was 1 ~ 3 years in mildly diseased land and 4 ~ 5 years in seriously diseased land. (2) selection of disease-resistant varieties: at present, the disease-resistant varieties are Xiekangqing, Ehua 5, Zhonghua 2, You92, Guiyou 28.

  • What nutrients do soybeans need for growth and development?

    What nutrients do soybeans need for growth and development?

    Soybean needs a large number of nutrients and many kinds. If the same yield is formed, soybean needs 4-5 times more nitrogen than cereal crops. The nutrients it needs are mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, followed by calcium, magnesium, sulfur, magnesium, boron, molybdenum, manganese, zinc and copper.
